
* * * Canadian Craft Federation / Citizens of Craft.ca Podcast Series! : ) I'm in Episode #4... but you should listen to them all. : ) LISTEN

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Things I Love Thursdays

I love... finding myself again.  : )  I haven't taken a full day off to be focused on my family since... ?  Since... forever!  Well, since the end of 2009 for sure.  I spent Tuesday with my kids, completely leaving work behind.  I never take a day off.  I don't even take an evening off.  I admit it.  I am a workaholic.  Then on Wednesday, I did it again.  We spent time at a nearby lake without a needle or thread... without the camera or sketchbook... no vacuum & no broom!  Okay.  Well... I did stop once on the way home and snapped this with my cell phone camera.

ditch bouquet - roadside lovelies  (ie: wait here kids.  mama has to go take more photos of ditches)

I love... taking a break to reflect with my Thursday posts.  I hope you enjoy them.  It's good for me to step back and take stock; do the gratitude thing.

I love... that the wheel keeps turning.  I had five people through my sewing room in the last month to purchase art.  That blows me away!  I love that the last woman who was here said, 'I just want prairie:  I want wheat and blue sky.  Do you have any of that?'  : )  I keep thinking I have to get the drama... but some of us like the pure and simple.

 ... and there's nothing wrong with that.

Happy Thursday,


Anna said...

Thank you for the reminder of taking time to just be. - Must schedule one of those kind of days in soon...

HollyM said...

Good for you, Monika! Taking time to spend with your kids. Those memories will stay with them forever.
And wow, you are do really well with sales!

Giddings Art said...

I very much enjoy your Thursday Posts and the reminder to take time off and remember what is most important to us. Your kids will remember those times for the rest of their lives.

Jeito Mineiro de Ser said...

Gosto muito dos seus comentários de quinta feira!
Que bom o tempo para os filhos! Eles devem estar amando a "nova mãe" com dias inteiros dedicados a eles!
Um abraço!

Like many of his comments Thursday!
What a good time for the kids! They must be loving the "new mother" with full days dedicated to them!

monika@mysweetprairie.ca said...

I homeschooled for five years. Maybe I burned out. I thought I could juggle work at home with mothering and housework but it is way more stressful than anything. Waaay too multitasking.

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