
* * * Canadian Craft Federation / Citizens of Craft.ca Podcast Series! : ) I'm in Episode #4... but you should listen to them all. : ) LISTEN

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Sunday Snapshots

I was told that there was a flax field blooming off of 'Old 27'.  (I had to look that up...)  It happens to be the road I go to a lot.  Thank you Bernie & Patti for the heads up!  When I got there, I think it was already starting to close for the day, but there was one low angle that got enough blue all in one shot.  VERY PRETTY!  With the evergreen, it reminds me of a sprinkle of snow except for the fact that it's blue.

you can click the image to view it larger

It was a BEAUTIFUL day.  20 degrees, which means the sun is warm on your face, and the shade is very cooling.  Well, I gave up on the flax and just kept driving, when all of a sudden I spied this.

Do you see that?  I see a heart, right in the middle above where the road meets the horizon.  So I got to thinking... haha!  Why not a bit of spray paint editing?  ; )

: )
I hope your Sunday was lovely.


HollyM said...

Beautiful! You get the best pictures! It definitely looked like a heart.
We're having a heat wave here right now and I'm not good for much.

B J Elder said...

The flax field photo is wonderful - looks like a painting! I can see you recreating it in thread.

Jeito Mineiro de Ser said...

Lindo! Lindo! Lindo!
Um abraço!

Kitchener Quilter said...

Love that I heart SK you painted in the sky. And I love seeing your SK photos. Takes me back.

tongfengdemao said...

LOVE the idea of grafiti on the sky! I also see a hat to the left of the heart. Or perhaps one of the ringed planets. Oh! And there's a negative space bike to the right of the heart.


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