
* * * Canadian Craft Federation / Citizens of Craft.ca Podcast Series! : ) I'm in Episode #4... but you should listen to them all. : ) LISTEN

Friday, 12 July 2013

So Summer, So Busy!

I'm really surprised that I'd have anything to blog about.  I fully expected to be in summer mode but things just keep happening.  Fiber Art Now magazine is on the stands in Saskatoon now which is great.  I'm going to pick up a few more copies (they had the call for entry that I made it into).  The very next day, Embroidery Canada magazine came out with the article I wrote last year for it.  What a surprise!  It's the magazine for the National guild... the same way CQA has their own publication.  (Sorry - not available in stores...)

Exploring the Prairies in Thread, Embroidery Canada magazine, Summer 2013 (3 pages)

Thanks so much to the members who have sent in emails to say hello!  That is so exciting - no one has ever done that before.  It was very kind of you to take the time to send a message.  : )

My lovely assistant Kari has now spent four days helping me out this summer.  It's been SO great to have her.  She put together embroidery kits for future classes, helped out my son with his projects, and did a few hours of slicing wool for me.  I bought all these rug hooking supplies from the Manitoba Craft Museum Stash Sale when I was in WInnipeg.  I look at the wool and think, 'oh if only it was sliced and ready to go so I can just make something!'.  Enter Kari...

Kari in the Kitchen

She worked on the counter because it was a good height.  It sure looked like she was making noodles!  ; )  So that's what I told the kids... When she was done, I had bags and bags of noodles sorted by color.  Oh wow - that was SO worth it.

courtesy of My Sweet Prairie's Kari ; )

I even got to run out to the dollar store for bags and pick up some take out lunch for the kids too.  I tell you, hiring someone to help me in the studio instead of hiring a babysitter or housekeeper makes so much sense.  Things are getting done and I feel like I have more free time for my children.  The children come first...

My oldest has his fist summer job.  My girl is enthralled with catching bugs and coloring.  My middle boy has dove full force into leatherworking.  He is so great at it!  He stamps and stains them, buffs and sews the leather, and then attaches the hardware like buckles and snaps all on his own.  Super!

Today, Kari agreed to help me do some taping for video tutorials.  (I'm caving to your pressure!)   Oh MAN was that hard!  We will keep working on it... but in the mean time, please enjoy these out takes.  It's the best we have to offer at this point.  lol  It's only 2 minutes and all unusable.  There's about 17 more minutes of unusable, but this is all you get for now.  : )

Have a fabulous weekend
...and stay away from those mosquitoes!


Giddings Art said...

I LOVED your video!! LOL It was great! Don't give up...there are many of us down south that would love to learn from you!!! Congratulations for being published...again! Your work is amazing!

B J Elder said...

LOL - I think outtakes are as great as the finished product! Keep practicing as your videos will be greatly sought after!

HollyM said...

Oh, that is just so funny! Realistic though! And the mosquitoes have been terrible here this week too.
It is fun to actually see and hear you.

Brenda said...

Just so you know -- I went up to the big lake in Manitoba this week -- and found myself in Gimli on Thursday night and thought of Heather.

Bernie said...

Oh that was too funny! Take 47! And the fact that you said shit!! That was hilarious. Loved it. Couldn't really see the purple thread all that well as an fyi.
I'm a lucky one - I'm going to take my class in person in my attic!!

Anonymous said...

You had me cracking up Monika. Especially your little s*#! episode. So like what my reaction would have been. lol Congrats on all your recent successes. I'm so proud of you :).
Stay inspired!

mckittycat said...

Loved the video. It was too funny.

josette.272@gmail.com said...

merci monika pour toutes ces merveilles jojo

Mary Ann Tate said...

Congratulations!!! Your video was hilarious....LOL

Juanita said...

Ha ha ha! You could be to fibre art comedy what Cathy Miller is to quilting songs! I often wondered how people managed to make videos without interruption by kids, pets, phones, doorbells....and mosquitos. Keep showing us the outtakes please...

Laura lok said...

so cute

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