Hi there and welcome to Tips on Tuesdays! This is a weekly sharing post, so if you have any tips, please leave them in the comments section for all to read. To see all Tips on Tuesdays, click the red button in the left side bar. The topic this week is Guild Ideas. What are some favorite topics you've had covered in your guild? What are some topics you wish you could have presented? List as many as you like. New ideas are very helpful for the programming committees!
Some speakers we've had in the past include the following:
- Photographing your Quilts
- Quilts from an Aboriginal perspective
- Amish Quilts
- Presenters from other fibre-related craft guilds
- Guild challenge projects presented by each quilter
I would love to hear more suggestions.
If you are part of a guild, I hope you will find these suggestions useful as well. Have a terrific Tuesday!
* * * Canadian Craft Federation / Citizens of Craft.ca Podcast Series! : ) I'm in Episode #4... but you should listen to them all. : ) LISTEN
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* * * Here are some of the most viewed blog posts this month * * *
Hi! Welcome back to Tips on Tuesdays! This week is all about binding. Please leave a tip in the comments section at the end of the...
It's really SPRING! The world froze solid here for months and now it's all warm & rebirthing. What a difference! The sun is u...
At the last meeting of the Embroiderers' Guild, I was given a little project to take home. It was several candlewicking pieces that req...
Look what just landed on my doorstep! * T A D A * This book is HUGE. I had no idea it would be this big. Inside nearly 300 pages...
* * * This contest is now closed * * * Yeah - I'm sure THAT got your attention! It's My Sweet Prairie's birthday all we...
Guess what!? I asked Michelle from Periwinkle Quilting & Beyond if she would sponsor a giveaway, and she said yes! Other bloggers do t...
Yeah! Like as in : 100,000 ! That's how many 'hits' my blog has had in about a year and a half. That doesn't include my ...
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It's nearly time for summer issue of A Needle Pulling Thread to hit the stands. That means the spring issue will suddenly vanish into t...
Our Guild's last program was a presentation of modern quilt designers with examples of their newest (and oldest) fabric lines. It was very interesting..
We also had a mug rug swap..
This month's program at my other guild is a Presidents Challenge. We will bring our machines and work on charity quilts at the meeting..
Our guild has had programs like Tips & Techniques. One member would demonstrate a technique and tips would be taken from all members.
I enjoy demo evenings and Feature Quilter. It's a great way to get to know our members. After your presentation yesterday so many people are happy to know "You" better :)
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