
* * * Canadian Craft Federation / Citizens of Craft.ca Podcast Series! : ) I'm in Episode #4... but you should listen to them all. : ) LISTEN

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Things I Love Thursdays

I am loving summer.  It's been an enjoyable one for me lately because it's not so hot that we'd need to throw on the A/C at all.  This means that we spend much more time playing outside.  We headed down to play at the river.  It was a gorgeous evening.

The sun was going down and everything turned golden.  The clouds were very low, and the river was very high.  There's this one particular spot near the Circle Drive overpass and Spadina where a large, sandy beach occurs.  Now that the water level is a little lower, we can see the sand.  People flock there to keep cool & sunbathe.

This year, it's a little different.  I am taking this photo from an extra body of sand.  Notice my son is out on another little island.  The sand is very, very fine.  It built up / deposited here after the recent Alberta floods.  I suspect that this might be Inglewood?  (Joking... but maybe there's some truth to that.)

All in all, we had a wonderful night.  The water was SO incredibly warm.  All five of us built sand castles, caught minnows, dug our feet down deep, collected driftwood... and didn't get bit by a single mosquito!  : )  Gotta love that!

I love summer nights with my family, playing at the South Saskatchewan River. : )  Happy August 1st everyone.

...and happy Thursday.  I hope you are loving your summer too.


B J Elder said...

What a lovely evening. So glad those mosquitoes were nice and left you alone. I'm great repellent for everyone else as those pesky guys think I taste delicious and can't get enough of me! LOL

Giddings Art said...

What wonderful memories you are making! Great photos!

Unknown said...

The action photo is great. Time with your kids is so important.

Vicki W said...

We have guests staying with us this week from SK! They are very nice but I wish it was you. :-)

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