
* * * Canadian Craft Federation / Citizens of Craft.ca Podcast Series! : ) I'm in Episode #4... but you should listen to them all. : ) LISTEN

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

I dyed it! I did!

Thanks to some bartering, some VERY kind people, and a spur of the moment trip to the thrift store, my sewing room is stocked full of silk.  FULL.  No kidding.  It's like there was a sudden windfall: silk ribbon, silk yarn, silk embroidery floss, silk fabric.  (Kari, are you reading this?  You must help me come sort it all!)  I guess the universe is telling me to work with silk?  Okay then!  lol  I get it!  I get it!  My first mission was to get the right color for the red dock everyone is enjoying these days.  It's everywhere.  But out of all my new stash, there is no color like it!  So away I went.

dying silk ribbon is sooo easy

The day was sunny.  There was no wind, so I worked out on the deck.  I over-dyed some coloured ribbons with various Jaquard dyes (which I did not document but should have), and some good things happened.

see the sparkles?

I have no idea why these are loading sideways, but I guess it really doesn't matter, right?  

Heather Lair introduced me to the Lumiere paints.  AMAZING - can you see the sparkles?  (yes - I know Dock isn't sparkly.  : )  Oh well.)  Thank you Heather.  Great advice.  Last I talked to her, she was in too much pain to stitch, bust said she was painting.  I wonder what the last things she painted were?

Hanging around after being heat-set.  Love the old yard stick (nowadays we have metre sticks).

Oh my oh my.  Those are great for curly dock!  I did some undyed silk too that was from Golden Willow Natural Fibres.  They are beautiful and I'm sure I'll use them in the fall.

I added a few drops of something different between each dip of the silk yarns

Of course, once you start, you just want to dye everything...

more dyes.  i am having fun.

I got some good ones there!  That strand on the far left was a bunch of separate dyes I did from the Golden Willow Natural Fibres silk.    LOVE!  Oh - so - very - useful!  : )  If you are wondering, Golden Willow Natural Fibres is a yarn store in Regina, SK.  Kari introduced me to that place.  THANK YOU Kari!  : )  Later this week, I'm heading to a friend's house to do some more.  Yippee!  ; )

Linking up to TN&TN for WIP Wednesday.  Have a good one!


Wendy said...

Monika there are a fewnatural dyes Ihave used. Besides berries, one of myfavourites is onion skins. Just boil them in a pot of water and you have a lovely golden orange. So pretty!

B J Elder said...


Anonymous said...

So tempting to do the same ... one day!! Love the colours and the sparkle!!!!

HollyM said...

These are so beautiful! I'm still curious as to the dye. Are you using a dye or an ink? Are you painting the fibres? I've done that once in a while when I didn't have the right colors.

deanna7trees said...

beautiful results.

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Heavens...they are great!!

Terry Aske Art Quilts said...


Rebecca said...

Hi Monika great results. Which Jaquard dye do you use I see they have Procion and iDye and silk. Thanks

Threadpainter said...

Gorgeous colours to work with !

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