
* * * Canadian Craft Federation / Citizens of Craft.ca Podcast Series! : ) I'm in Episode #4... but you should listen to them all. : ) LISTEN

Friday, 19 July 2013

The Number Game.

Welcome to post # 1,000! 

I did it!  One thousand blog posts.  Three years of blogging.  2,000 photos on Flickr.  Over half a million hits to the blog.  Likely the same number in completed French Knots.  At least 2 hundred postcards.  Thirty classes.  Three cameras.  112 threadpaintings.  Fifteen art shows/exhibits.  Published a dozen times... and I still can't make a video!

I can't.  I did a 20 minute session and it was perfect, and when I went to turn the video camera off, I realized IT WAS NEVER ON IN THE FIRST PLACE.  Someone pass the tissues.  :(((  Or I can shake my head and laugh...

Oh well.  I'll get there.  For now, please enjoy the new re-opening of my Etsy Shop.

I dusted it out and put in a few yummies that were a big hit when I taught in Winnipeg.  You can read more about them in the descriptions at my shop.  Enjoy!

'stash enhancers' for fibre artists

I hope the 'yummies' will inspire you to begin postcards or get more creative with embellishing your quilts.  (I have LOTS of classes coming in the fall.)  These colorways are great for mixed media work as well.  I won't be stocking them regularly.  This is a one time sewing-room-clearance-thing.  Have fun!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 1000th post. Wow, isn't it amazing to see how far you've come in the last three years. I remember being your first blog follower. Way to go my friend!!!
Stay inspired!

Flo @ Butterfly Quilting said...

Congratulations Monika!!! Wow... That is an achievement to celebrate! Great job!

Giddings Art said...

Congratulations! 1,000 great posts full of inspiration is awesome! PLEASE don't give up on the videos. Please keep trying....you'll get there.

Patti said...

Congrats on your 1000th post! That's a lot of inspiration. And sorry to hear about the video snafu. You'll get it eventually. Now I'm heading to your Etsy shop.

B J Elder said...

Wow! What a lot of great things to celebrate! Congratulations. As for the video -- laughter is the best medicine.
Heading over to see your Etsy shop. I'm sure some major drooling will happen.

HollyM said...

Wow, congrats, Monika! I haven't figured out how to tell how many posts I've had.
You've really achieved a lot!
I'm thinking of your first video attempts with all the laughter. You're having fun at least! You'll get it.

Jeito Mineiro de Ser said...

Parabéns pelos 1000 posts, por todas as exposições, aulas e...nós franceses!
Não desista do vídeo, continue tentando que, um dia, consegue!
Um abraço!

Congratulations on 1000 posts for all exhibitions, classes and ... french knots!
Do not give up the video, keep trying, one day, can!

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