
* * * Canadian Craft Federation / Citizens of Craft.ca Podcast Series! : ) I'm in Episode #4... but you should listen to them all. : ) LISTEN

Monday, 8 July 2013

Sale at the Lake

What a fun adventure Sunday turned out to be.  I headed to my mother's home with my daughter to show & sell my wares.  She lives about two hours north from me.

Day's Beach Road, south entrance

My mom (also a landscape artist) was so excited to do this!  She cleared all the furniture and set out food and tea.

I hung my art and set up some sketchbooks with works in progress as well.  My daughter brought some of her drawings too which was too sweet!  She even sold a couple.  : )

My youngest, waiting for the show in Oma's house.

Mom had never seen my Prairie Dress before.  She had a beautiful corner set up for it.  I hung up a page that tells the story of how it came to be, and where it's been (that dress had been around!).

As you can see, my mom loves white lace curtains, wood floors, blue & white china, and painting on walls.  (Creative type - can't be helped, haha).  Her house is a re-claimed old, old little building that was moved from someone else's property years ago.

love the floors and the light...  she's high on a hill overlooking the lake.

...and yes, I just have to show of these pretty lilies from her yard.  She and Arwen picked them before people arrived.

We had a couple dozen people come through in the two hours.  The house was always full and a few people went home with some art.  THANK YOU MOM!!  : )

photo by her grand daughter

It started to cloud over and get quite windy... so I knew exactly where to take my girl to swim.  Cochin Beach - where the best waves come in.  You could see the rain on the opposite shore.  The wind cools your wet skin and jumping in the lake always feels so warm on stormy days.  Those are some of the best childhood memories I have and I'm so glad she could have the same experience.

Seriously? ! ?  That's one of the coolest shots I've ever done.  I had my camera on a super fast shutter speed.  Zowee!  : 0

Thanks for lookin'!  Have a great week,


Giddings Art said...

What wonderful memories you made! Your show looks great in your Mom's house. I LOVE the photo of you and your Mom! And the one of your daughter jumping the waves is awesome too. Thanks for sharing your adventure!

B J Elder said...

What a wonderful day. Your mom's house is fabulous and was set up so great for the show. How delightful that your daughter sold some of her work too. I see it runs in the family! :D

HollyM said...

It really sounds like such a wonderful day! And lovely to share it with your daughter. Imagine her making her own sale, how sweet.
Your moms house looks so beautiful and what a spot.

Anne Simonot said...

Fabulous shot!! I love it!

Unknown said...

I love your blog. Your embroidered pictures are so realistic it's amazing.

Your mother's house is wonderful.

That lake looks like the ocean.

Love your photos.

Threadpainter said...

Congrats on a perfect day !

That photo NEEDS a photo contest !!!!!!

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