
* * * Canadian Craft Federation / Citizens of Craft.ca Podcast Series! : ) I'm in Episode #4... but you should listen to them all. : ) LISTEN

Saturday, 7 July 2012

What an Honour!

Guess who's work is being used as the visual for a 1/2 page ad in Studio magazine this fall!?  The Saskatchewan Craft Council called me last week to inform me that this prairie dress is still goin' places!  I missed the call - but have listened to Vivian's awesome announcement on my answering service over, and over, and over. ; )  I squeal every time!  She took this photo of my dress when it was in their Affinity Gallery earlier this year with the Seeds show.

Fall 2012 SCC ad for Studio magazine, used with permission from Vivian Orr /SCC

WOW.  My heart nearly stopped.  Isn't that pretty with the white script font on top?  I love how they designed this!  I'll show you how it looks in a couple months when the magazine comes out in September.  Studio: Craft & Design in Canada is a publication that is received by provincial craft council members across the county.  It is also in galleries and bookstores across Canada, including major chains such as Chapters, Indigo and the Great Canadian News Company.

Pinch me.  I certainly wasn't expecting this.  It's like that dress is magnet for good fortune.  Maybe I should put it on one of these days!  ; )

What an honour.  THANK YOU SCC!


Michele T said...

Congratulations!! I love your creations!

Michele T said...
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Linda Coleman said...

Well done Monika

sherry said...

you go girl...your work is amazing

B J Elder said...

What an honor! Congratulations.

Vicki W said...


Flo @ Butterfly Quilting said...

Congratulations....you have earned it!

Dahn said...

What a great honour and so well deserved. It must be wonderful to have Provincial recognition as an "artist".

Today Saskatchewan, tomorrow the world! :-)

Karen said...

That dress seems (seams) to fit everywhere it goes. It's perfect for this ad - congratulations!!

CitricSugar said...

Congratulations! That's just fantastic. :-)

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