Lush, lush lush! And humming with honey bees. |
Gorgeous Wolf Willow growing behind the rose bushes. |
We collected a tulle satchel of wild rose petals so we could take that smell home with us. There is no smell more beautiful!
Look at the gorgeous curls and the blue! Can anyone i.d. this next plant for me?? It was climbing into the rosebushes.
mmmm... aaaaahh....
My baby had so much fun too! There were giant Monarchs fluttering around. (None were harmed during the making of this post ; ).
Enjoy! I will be back in one week. The kids finish school tomorrow, and we are off for some family time. Happy Summer and have a FABULOUS CANADA DAY on July 1st!! : )
Mystery plant is some sort of vetch.
I enjoyed reading your last post and the pictures from this one. The mystery plant is very pretty but not good in your garden. It will choke out and smother most everything. It is best off in a wild place because it is very pretty.
I love your pictures.
In Sweden we call the flower "kråkvicker" Vicia cracca.
you're very luck to live so close! Thanks for sharing. :)
thank you so much for sharing the 'good sniffs'! i dreamt about wild roses last night! i will head over to the park maybe today and sniff them 'in situ'. it was grand that you came to visit yesterday - when you're done your postcard, i know of several people who would appreciate seeing a picture of it! enjoy your family time! seems like summer has really arrived!
Your mystery flower is purple is very prolific and will take over your flower bed or gardens...pretty where it is, but leave it there.
Very nice eye candy there. I can almost smell all the flowers!! Enjoy your time and talk to you soon!
Looks beautiful and I can almost smell those roses:)
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