Welcome to Tips on Tuesdays! This is a sharing post so please leave your ideas in the comments section for everyone to read. This week's topic is open. I'm inviting people to share any EUREEKA moments you may have had recently that revolve around the sewing room. So answer me this: what interesting tip did you discover or use last time you sewed?
I'm putting a giveaway with this one. You have until Sunday April 10th, midnight. I'll chose a winner and announce the lucky name on Monday. You can have as many entries as you like, as long as each entry contains a different sewing tip. The prize? I'll mail you the current April/May issue of Quilting Arts Magazine. If you already have it or don't want it, just end your post with the word "PASS". I'd still love to see all the tips.
Enjoy today! ; )
* * * Canadian Craft Federation / Citizens of Craft.ca Podcast Series! : ) I'm in Episode #4... but you should listen to them all. : ) LISTEN
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* * * Here are some of the most viewed blog posts this month * * *
Hi! Welcome back to Tips on Tuesdays! This week is all about binding. Please leave a tip in the comments section at the end of the...
It's really SPRING! The world froze solid here for months and now it's all warm & rebirthing. What a difference! The sun is u...
At the last meeting of the Embroiderers' Guild, I was given a little project to take home. It was several candlewicking pieces that req...
Look what just landed on my doorstep! * T A D A * This book is HUGE. I had no idea it would be this big. Inside nearly 300 pages...
* * * This contest is now closed * * * Yeah - I'm sure THAT got your attention! It's My Sweet Prairie's birthday all we...
Guess what!? I asked Michelle from Periwinkle Quilting & Beyond if she would sponsor a giveaway, and she said yes! Other bloggers do t...
Yeah! Like as in : 100,000 ! That's how many 'hits' my blog has had in about a year and a half. That doesn't include my ...
It's nearly time for summer issue of A Needle Pulling Thread to hit the stands. That means the spring issue will suddenly vanish into t...
Didn't I tell you last weekend? It's all fun and games this week. Today's blog birthday party prize is a ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION...
Try not to listen to your kids fighting while you are figuring out the dimensions of quilt borders (?) not a great tip...but my reality!
please don't add your borders by just cutting a long strip and making it fit....not square!!!..I am quilting one for a lady now who did that; much easier to do the correct measuring first..
Hmmm Yesterday I figured out a way to make 2 blocks pretty much at the same time. Here's a picture, to save me a thousand words... http://www.flickr.com/photos/55243381@N04/5592009955/in/pool-1649103@N23 And I'd LOVE a copy of the magazine. Where do you find it? I've never seen it in any store. But I do live in a small town....
Last week after reading one of the 80+ blogs I subscribe to, I saw a post on making binding. I make one piece bias binding and love the method I use, but her tip was to zig zag the raw edges together after folding and pressing the binding in half. I tried it and can't believe how much smoother it went on.
I can never remember which needle is in my machine. Only takes a second to write it down on a little piece of masking tape and stick it to my machine. I find this especially helpful when doing machine embroidery. Often issues arise which require a needle change. This greatly reduces the frustration factor.
I just started working with Lite Steam a Seam 2 fusible web. When you have it applied to your appliqué pieces, it's tacky and you can move those pieces around to your heart's content. When you've got them where you want them, you iron them in place. I really like this stuff.
Always check your tension, stitch length, and threading before starting - with small children in the house, you never know who has been 'drilling holes'! :D
Zig zagging a quilt sandwich edge before applying the binding is great but I do it even before I begin any machine quilting. DO use the walking foot (even feed foot) to apply the binding. It shines when keeping all those layers together.
I hand quilt and use 1/4" green paint tape for all straight stitching. My quilts don't get marked up, strip of tape can be used a couple of times and it helps to keep my stitches straighter!! Last weekend there was a sale at Home Hardware and I bought 5 rolls for $10!!
When hand quilting start in the middle and work outwards... I didn't do this for the last lap quilt I made and had a few ripples:(
I'll forgive myself, but it won't happen again!
Aha! A fellow Canadian - this is exciting!! I have signed up to follow your blog and look forward to your future posts!
Not a new tip, but here goes. When concerned about a tension issue... change your thread so that the top and bottom threads are a different color. This will help you determine if the top or bottom tension needs adjusting. If the bottom shows through to the top, then reduce the top tension. Turned out to be a life saver!!
I like to use those little strawberry baskets with a closing lid to store my small pieces as I cut them. I can often put a whole cut project in one and never lose a piece.
I like to use nail polish to mark my sewing needles. I paint the color on the package and on each needle. When I want to check it is easy to see which size is in the machine.
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