
* * * Canadian Craft Federation / Citizens of Craft.ca Podcast Series! : ) I'm in Episode #4... but you should listen to them all. : ) LISTEN

Saturday, 17 November 2018

Another Podcast!

This is a big one!  The Canadian Crafts Federation invited me to be a guest on one of their ten podcasts for the the Citizens of Craft.  The Canadian Crafts Federation is the umbrella organization to all of the provincial and territorial craft councils across the country. In each podcast, Maegan Black interviews two individuals (fine craft artists, curators, collectors) within a theme set by the ten manifestos of craft. The one we chose was 'Nothing is Newer Than Tradition' where we talked about the role of making in our lives, and how far it's rooted in our human experiences and history.

I really enjoyed what came out of this. Often I'm so busy doing that I forget about thinking or analyzing or just plain having a wholesome conversation about fine craft.  I was lucky enough to be paired up with a Manitoba artist and teacher named Seema Goel.  The folks before us had art degrees, but Seema and I brought a little something more to the table.  With my educational background in Child Development and Social Work, and Seema's in Biology and Hard Sciences, we discussed fibre art, making & community education.  HOW COOL IS THAT!?  We covered so much ground in our conversation and I think you will enjoy listening regardless of your background.

Monika Kinner-Whalen and Seema Goel, Episode #4

You need no special app. Just click to listen. It's long but relaxing, 45 minutes. We are Episode #4.  I encourage you to share with guilds and makers in your life.  Thank you SO much to the Canadian Craft Federation, my provincial craft council, and Maegan for her vision.

Here's the Link to the series.  WWW.CitizensOfCraft.CA / PODCAST  
Please let me know what you think!  : )

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