
* * * Canadian Craft Federation / Citizens of Craft.ca Podcast Series! : ) I'm in Episode #4... but you should listen to them all. : ) LISTEN

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Old Stompin' Grounds and Work in Progress

We did a day trip out to Hamlin and Meota where I grew up.  I swear - when I die, I want to be buried in a ditch on the prairies.  It's hard for me to even notice the big skies right now when the ditches are so incredibly luscious.  Between the ripe Dock and the blooming grass tops, there is so much pink and red and plum... more than I have ever seen.

so in love with this... more stitching here : )

This is Hamlin... where I grew up.  Our yard bordered the tracks.  We spent many, many days counting train cars from our swing set.  : )  The old wooden grain elevators are long gone.

Hamlin, SK

Okay... one more...

the road to Meota / Jackfish Lake SK

Back in the sewing room, I have been slowly finishing up a stack of postcards (ie: making a HUGE mess).  These are all in progress.  The still need some more stitching, backings, and finished edges.  I love how they are coming along.  They are so fun to create...

Shirley's Sewing Room in Moosomin, SK called to see if I could teach over a weekend this fall!  I am really looking forward to that.  I also have requests for a couple other communities south of me.  I'll keep you posted!  They are all along Highway #1, so perhaps I'll book them all back to back.

One last Work-in-Progress is that I have a rug started.  It's not planned, but it's there for me to work on here and there as I feel inspired to.  It's also not small.  I hooked about a dozen mini prairie rugs last year.  This one is nearly a metre square.  SO far there's about six hours done, and it's summer-ditch-inspired.  : )

'slow craft' makes me happy

I hope you are all enjoying a wonderful summer.  : )

the road leaving Meota Beach at the end of the day

...linking to TN&TN's 100th post for WIP Wednesday.


Unknown said...

The rug is looking really intense, at least from the camera angle. Are you utilizing the wool that you purchased in Winnipeg, by any chance?

monika@mysweetprairie.ca said...

Yes.. and it is much less chunky and thick than the photo shows for sure .. 'intense' was a good description! :)

Kitchener Quilter said...

I still love your prairie photos. And somebody said to me last week that they are soooo boring, to her as she drove through them! Unbelievable. That last one coming back from Meota Beach could be done in stitches, minus the cars, of course. Those telephone poles would be quite striking.

Anonymous said...

I just love your pictures of the prairies; so colourful and really beautiful. Thanks for sharing. I have just been bitten by the fabric postcard bug and I am curious if you are sewing the front through the fusible. If yes, what kind of fusible and if yes, how do you cover the back so the stitching doesn't show on the label? Thanks!

Margaret said...

It's all about colour and how it captivates, eh? I love the colours you share!

Vicki W said...

I love how your cards are coming along! I've started my next set. It's kind of addictive!

Terri said...

Again you have me! WOW! Love your photos - I want to move to SK! And what you make with them... the cards are wonderful, and the rug better be hung on a wall, no foot should ever step on it. I hope you will show your progress on it. Yum!

Anonymous said...

Oh, those photos are just making me want to go back home (I'm from Battleford) - I haven't been in over a year and it was winter last time I was there and I was SUPPOSED to go in August, but it's not going to happen. Sigh. (Probably it'll be December again, so all snow.)

All of which is nothing to do with anything you're working on, which is beautiful as always!

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