
* * * Canadian Craft Federation / Citizens of Craft.ca Podcast Series! : ) I'm in Episode #4... but you should listen to them all. : ) LISTEN

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Sunday Snapshots

Look at the colors!  Can you see them?  Look close.  We don't get much red at all on the prairies (except for the fact that our skies get it all the time).  So when these 'plum' and red colors pop up without being planted... WOW.

dark green, light green, red, purple, yellow, cream.  click to view full screen

Love it.  Saskatchewan is FULL of dark green and bright yellow.  Those happen to be the flag colors.  (haha - go figure!)  There's a great mix of gold and blue and purples as well.  There are soft pinks and deep orange.  In the above photo, there are reds and plums in here too.  I love it!  If you click, you can see vertical red lines through the whole scene.  (ie: little stitches, right?)  Oh if I was a weaver, this would make a beautiful tapestry.  : )))

I notice similar colors in the next photo from the back yard...

the girl's pansy boots.  Doin' fine this summer.

Here are some of the same colors again!

Thistle as the sun goes down.

Happy Sunday,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i feel sorry for people who drive through the prairies and think they're all green and yellow - the colours are here in abundance! but they're subtle and you have to really look and see to find them! thank you for pointing them out - they're too beautiful to miss!

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