
* * * Canadian Craft Federation / Citizens of Craft.ca Podcast Series! : ) I'm in Episode #4... but you should listen to them all. : ) LISTEN

Friday, 26 July 2013

Finished it Friday

It's Friday.  I finished all those postcards up!

It's a new batch from the same series.  These are numbered #73 to #91.  Two are being framed for a commission.  Since I can't just make two...  I made a pile.  I really had fun with these.  Some a repeats (like the cloud gazing one) and some are really different (watch for the bison!!).

this is one of my favorites

You can find them all here below (click to link to the Etsy shop).

this one is sold...

They can be displayed as mini art quilts.  Usually that's what people do with them because people are too chicken to throw them in a mail box.  (We postcard swappers do it all the time, worldwide!)

I got this gorgeous one piece wood mounted rubber stamp to make these backings.  I LOVE IT.  I don't recall where I got it.  I found it on Etsy after hours of scouring the internet.  I thought it was perfect.  It even looks like prairie lilies on it!  How fitting.  Unfortunately, they would not ship to Canada.  :(((  So... I enlisted one of my American postcard-swapping buddies (Becky @ Solar Threads) and had it shipped to her.  Then she shipped it to me.  Oh the drama.  It made me feel like an undercover agent or international spy.  lol  But I got it!


Have a great weekend.  I will be back in a few days...


Vicki W said...

I love them!

Terri said...

I went to see the bison! Sweet. Love all your cards!

HollyM said...

They all look beautiful! The stamp was a great find! It looks so lovely and smooth on the back. Did you use a fusible?

Monika Kinner said...

Hi Holly,
The interfacing is fusible. How cool is that!? : )

I can send you some if you like.


Threadpainter said...

Bottom row, middle ... mine ! ;)

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