Hello! I have a group show & sale to announce. Oooh, and it's coming up quick! "Little Gems" is one week away. Everyone involved will have up to five pieces each, so it's a great mix of small work.
I will have a variety of fibre art in this one - some silk ribbon trees and likely hooked art.
The majority of my thread paintings are designated for my solo show at the end of the month. (I'll announce details later...).
I'm still stocking mini art quilts / Prairie Postcards for sale at the SK Craft Council Boutique on Broadway along with the threadpainting, 'Sunlit in Silverspring'.
DIMENSIONS will be in Saskatoon next at the Affinity Gallery from November 15th, 2013 through to January 4th, 2014. This is the juried touring biennial exhibition of Fine Saskatchewan Craft organized by our provincial craft council. One of my pieces, 'She's Blooming!' is included in the show! : ) I am SO honoured to be part of this. I still have to pinch myself to see if I'm dreaming about that one.
But wait! There's more... My 4th Annual Solo Show and Sale at the Centre Galleries in Saskatoon will be up Sunday, November 24th to Saturday, December 28th . Purchases are made through The Centre Administration Offices. There's usually a phone number there in the display, or you can walk to the end of the hall to find the offices and inquire on site. They will open up the display if you need something home for the holidays. I'll post more once the show is up.
You can expect the 'Very Merry My Sweet Prairie' snowglobes to arrive at SaskMade Marketplace on 8th street in Saskatoon some time in December. I will definitely make an announce when I have a supply made up. They aren't done yet! So hold tight...
Somewhere in there I am teaching a couple more classes in Aberdeen and Davidson. : )
Okay then... back to work. : ) Have a great weekend everyone!
* * * Canadian Craft Federation / Citizens of Craft.ca Podcast Series! : ) I'm in Episode #4... but you should listen to them all. : ) LISTEN
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Yeah! Like as in : 100,000 ! That's how many 'hits' my blog has had in about a year and a half. That doesn't include my ...
Yes! FREE THREAD! Seriously, this would not be a My Sweet Prairie birthday party without thread! So check this out... Wonderfil Threads ...
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Wow, what schedule! I don't know how you do it! I only wish I could come visit it all.
Monika, I am a faithful follower and I love your work, its because I love fiber art and I'm into fiber art myself. I love the way you take threads and draw with them.
Awe thanks Caroline! :)
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