Happy August Long! : ) It's a beautiful summer! There are no mosquitoes - have I mentioned that too much? It's amazing to sit outside at night and not be covered in chemicals to avoid being eaten alive. And so we are out a lot this year, at all times of the day. I headed to Jackfish Lake to pick up my youngest boy. He's stayed a whole week there alone with my mom. Let me tell you, he did not want to leave. He chopped a tree down, he learned to light fires in the wood stove, he gardened, he cooked, he baked, he bbqd - all on his own. It totally wasn't babysitting for her. He worked and worked and worked because he loves to. Then we came out with a birthday gift from the other grandparents - the boat he's wanted forever. (Next on his list is a motorbike of course...)
Isn't that sweet? I love the way the my camera caught this - he looks like a little black ink drawing from a storybook.
We packed up after a couple hours at the beach and drove home. Of course, I took a few detours. : )
THIS is right beside the farmhouse I grew up in. We stood by the ditch and just watched. There was a beautiful breeze that swirled and came in little bursts. My daughter and I took videos of it moving. I put one on my instagram account (Monika-Kinner) and I could watch it over and over. It's so mesmerizing. It's like the land is alive and breathing.
I didn't get as many photos as I had hoped because we had some melt downs in the van (whyyyy can't everyone just be happy????). lol But that photo above was a good reason to pull over - it was SO purple. Everything glowed purple. The sun was going down behind us as I headed back to Saskatoon. We got to enjoy the moon rise. It was so big! So big! It's amazing how fast it shrinks as it rises.
Facing the opposite way, we saw the last light of the sun before it turned dark. It's always such a lovely ride. The kids don't watch videos - they just stare out the window and watch the scenery as it transforms. It's a beautiful show! : )
Have a great long weekend / Saskatchewan day. Don't forget to stop and smell the flowers.
Happy Sunday,
* * * Canadian Craft Federation / Citizens of Craft.ca Podcast Series! : ) I'm in Episode #4... but you should listen to them all. : ) LISTEN
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Beautiful pictures :-)
Your pictures are just so awesome Monika! Makes me want to take a trip to the prairies next :).
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