
* * * Canadian Craft Federation / Citizens of Craft.ca Podcast Series! : ) I'm in Episode #4... but you should listen to them all. : ) LISTEN

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Mid Week Check-in

This week is full up!  We've been enjoying the Fringe, the Ex is on too.  Thursday night, my youngest boy and I will be doing creative sewing demos again at Prairieland Park.  It's my fourth year at this.  We will be doing hand embroidery and free motion machine stitching on site after 7pm.  He's 11 and really good at threadsketching.  People love to watch him.  If you are there, come say hi!  We will be in the hall where all the art is.

doing a free machine stitching demo on site when he was ten years old.  : )

Then Friday I'll be at Handmade House.  I brought in a little hooked prairie scene for sale.  I made about a dozen hand hooked mini-rugs about 3 years ago.  Do you remember those?  I have a few still kickin' around.  This one is set in a white frame without glass of course.  It's 5x7" I think...

On the side, I've been working on more.  I hook with wool, art yarns, and even fabric scraps.  The one I'm working on is really big.  Well - big for me.  It's about 26x13".

Work-in-progress.  In reality, it' is nearly done!  : )

Friday night at 7 pm is the reception for the Members' Show and Sale at the SK Craft Council.  I think the Fringe is still on, which means there are parking restrictions in the neighborhood, and Broadway will be closed to traffic.  You will have to walk a few blocks.  I usually park on Broadway, on the South side of 8th street and I only have to walk two blocks or so  If you try to park in Nutana, you will likely be 6 or 7 blocks away.  So, just a heads up.  Please also consider carpooling.

Okeedokee - back to more hand stitching.  The pieces are slowly piling up and it feels so good!!  : )  Stitching with multicoloured yarns feels like I would imagine painting to be.

Thank you so much for all the shares and likes on My Sweet Prairie Studio / Facebook!!  I"m heading to 2000 followers which is crazy!  (By crazy, I mean amazing.)  I think I sense a giveaway coming on soon to celebrate.  Yes, let's.

linking to TN&TN for WIP Wednesday

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