
* * * Canadian Craft Federation / Citizens of Craft.ca Podcast Series! : ) I'm in Episode #4... but you should listen to them all. : ) LISTEN

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Shake It Up

We just got a HUGE dump of snow this week.  There were vehicles stuck everywhere.  I had boots up to my knees, and the snow drifts I walked through were higher than that!  Maybe it's my fault?

I've been shaking up the snowglobes again!
I made a pile of teeny weenie landscapes for my "A Very Merry My Sweet Prairie" 2012 globes.

2 x 2.75"

I sold my snowglobes at SaskMade Marketplace last winter.  They called me to see if I'd bring them back.  I found prettier ones this year!  They are still 'shatterproof' photo frames (ie: not glass which is smart), but the base is shiny silver instead of black like last year.

I fill each snowglobe with 2 pieces of art back to back, so they are all mixed and different.  They are pretty sweet when you make them snow : ).

This one is cute... a little fence.  Maybe I'll put sheep on the other side.

There's even some pretty purple winter skies.  They are my favorites I think.  Well... the sheep too.

And one last one... this one turned out so pretty.  The skies are all hand dyed.  The snow is raffia paper.  The horizons are couched yarns, and all are free motion stitched with a bit of hand stitches as well.

SaskMade Marketplace is on 8th Street East in Saskatoon.  They are priced around $40 at the store, are 2-sided with different pieces of art in each, and are shatterproof.  (Sorry - we cannot ship these as they are full of water and they could freeze.)

A Very Merry My Sweet Prairie 2012

I think they are so much prettier this year. SaskMade Marketplace is on 8th Street in Saskatoon, and open until 8pm Monday to Friday, Saturday until 5, and closed on Sundays.  You can see more of their well stocked store on their facebook page.


Chiara Z said...

Love them! We had snow here--well in my State, not my city--in this, the first week of summer, but there's no risk of anything freezing in the mail. That's a totally foreign thought to me. I hope they are appreciated and sell out again for you.

Ellie said...

These are looking wonderful Monika :))
No snow here yet but plenty of frost and when it's not frosty it's raining.
Keep warm!!!

kathy said...

These are just lovely but the questions! Water? With fabric and raffia? Do they last from year to year? Maybe because they're sealed and no air is involved they're okay? And finally, since I can't order one to have sent to Maine, where can I find the globes to make one of my own, because they are BEAUTIFUL and I want one! I've loved watching you develop your style over the years,very inspiring.

HollyM said...

They are so beautiful! I'm kin of wondering how the fabric pieces go in there too.

Dawnis said...

Really enjoy meeting you through your art, which is so awesome. When I'm in Sask. where can I find you? Love to direct my friends and relatives. -Dawnis

Anonymous said...

What a neat idea! I bought a few of these snow globes a few years ago as gifts and I have two leftover ;)....you know what I'm going to do don't you! Not to sell though but they would make a very personal gift.

Thanks for sharing your art! So lovely those scenes!

elle said...

These are very imaginative. The sheep are cute!

Monika Kinner-Whalen (MySweetPrairie) said...

Thanks ! : )

The snow globes are photo frames. The base pops off, and there's a little chamber to slip photos into. I find them at drug store photo departments. Walmart had them last year.

: )

~Monika K.

Dawnis said...

Found the spot in Saskatoon. Can't wait to see your art in person!

Kathy Schwartz said...

Love your snow globes! I'll have to check out the SaskMade Marketplace the next time I'm down in Saskatoon!

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

I can't believe this!! They are adorable. Monika

Jennifer Scantlebury Vienneau said...

Absolutely love them! What a wonderful idea - so clever, Monika!

Jeanette said...

Wow, those are so pretty. I love your artwork that you put inside them. And the sheep would look so cute by the fence.

Sam said...

What a cool project and idea. Looks great.

Jo Vandermey said...

Just wow! and so reasonably priced.

A snow globe you could have out longer than the Christmas season!


sherry said...

your work makes even a cold winter day seem beautiful and bright...those snowglobes are prefect

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