
* * * Canadian Craft Federation / Citizens of Craft.ca Podcast Series! : ) I'm in Episode #4... but you should listen to them all. : ) LISTEN

Sunday, 9 April 2023

Needing This In My Life

Well hello there! I've missed blogging so much. After all these years of posting over at Instagram, I find I really miss writing. I love posting beautiful images, but Instagram is becoming more of a fast paced video channel. That doesn't work for me. I am much more of a spectator over there now. When I blogged, I was a blogger, not a blog reader. So I'm popping back here to get shit done.

I still journal nearly every day. I still take a zillion pictures. Writing through my thoughts is some of the most productive work I do. However, it has really become clear that I've had some fantastic discoveries, breakthoughs, and those simple yet profound conversations that no one will ever enjoy because they sit in piles of unread books. 

My babies are now becoming 17, 20, 23. When I have really great things to share, I BOUND into the youngest child's room and shoot off like fireworks! Fortunately, he loves it. His birthday is the same as mine and my mothers, and there's this uncanny bond we share with enjoying stories of personal growth and discovery. We feed off each other so well.

My point in bring this up? These damn kids can't read cursive. lol. So what the hell am I keeping all these journals for? I might as well be leaving scrolls of hieroglyphs from another universe.

Another reason I am ready to blog is because I am going on a journey and I want to document it all. Here is the place to do it! Want to join me?

I still have to figure out how to load images better. My computer is soooooooo slowwwww. Instagram with my phone is lightening fast. We shall see. That's a minor hiccup.

'Wait - Monika! WHAT JOURNEY?'

Well. After my husband of two decades left, after we lost the family home, after losing my newly built studio, after rehoming with my kids, after the pandemic with 2 years of most of my work/income cancelled, after my mother died, (yeah, well, maybe this is all why I have journaled non-stop and not publicly blogged about it) ... after feeling like I keep missing the boat with opportunities to establish myself further as an artist... a SHIP came in with my name on it

That's exactly how I describe it. That's exactly what it feels like.

I received a Research and Creation Grant from the Canada Council for the Arts. It's something I've been dreaming of for years. It's like a contract to follow you dream for a year. Dig deep. Research your topic and create your art. It's like full support from the universe for what I'm most passionate about: showcasing the beauty of this land.

I named my project IMMERSION and it begins on my birthday, May 5. I have so much more to tell you about the depth and breadth of this project. I hope you will come back to read more.

Thank you so much to the Canada Council for the Arts, and to all the people who have said along the way, "I never knew the Prairies were so beautiful! I'll have to look again next time I'm there."



Threadpainter said...

Hurray !!!
I love to blog as well, but I'm a blog reader, too ! Looking forward to hearing about your new journey.

Lin said...

So looking forward to following along with your new journey Monika and many congratulations on receiving that grant. xx

Sheila said...

Congratulations on the grant , I look forward to your new adventure .

Anonymous said...

I am with you

Vicki W said...

Congratulations on your grant! I'm so glad you are back to blogging. I don't hang out on Instagram or Facebook so I missed seeing what you were up to.

Lithuania said...

Thanks for your effort and dedication in making this blog so helpful

Unknown said...

Congratulations.....I'm so happy for you!

Monika Kinner-Whalen (MySweetPrairie) said...

Awe thank you! IG is not the same. Too fast paced. :)

Monika Kinner-Whalen (MySweetPrairie) said...

Thank you Sheila!!

Luna said...

It's happening!! I'm so excited for you and about sharing in your adventure via your blog posts. Thank you! ~Lara xo

Bernie said...

Definitely worth blogging about. So many changes but writing stays there. An outlet for thoughts and emotions.

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