frosty dill from last year's community garden |
I quite like the tangerine background in that photo! I took it after a foggy night had settled in. Everyone was out with their cameras the next day to catch all the beautiful frost coated magic. I was busy with the Artists' Workshop that day, but since it's only a couple blocks from the river, I headed out for a quick photo shoot.
I really love our river. It's a major waterway through the prairies, and apparently the biggest source of freshwater in the world. This is all sourced by meltdown from the Rockies (as well as rainfall of course) and it runs out of the mountains in BC, across Alberta as 2 seperate waterways (N Sask river & S Sask River), runs through Saskatchewan where it joins together as one, then continues on through Manitoba, and eventually drains into the Hudson Bay. My boy has marked out a path on the map of how he can paddle from Saskatoon to the Atlantic Ocean. : ) I'm sure someone has tried it! lol
Ever Green. |
The river is, of course, a huge feeding and watering ground for all birds and wildlife around here. I headed out last night to watch the sunset from the cliffs at Chief Whitecap Park. Sure enough, There they were! I must have photographed over three dozen deer making their way to the river. They do a little trek every evening around dusk. They really blend in though. There were probably way more deer watching me than I realize. : ) THIS next one is my favourite shot from last night. I quite like it in black and white.
This was cropped from a larger photo that was full of deer, but these three were perfectly posed for a photo, don't you think!? : )
Have a great day. I hope you notice something extraordinary today.
I love these fabulous photos and appreciate that you shared them.
Thanks for your photos. The deer watchers are wonderful. Have you ever tried batik? That is what the dill picture brought to mind. Or a watercolor with masking would be quicker...
Thank you for sharing these beautiful scenes! They are so refreshing with their white icy coolness. (I'm in hot summer here :-)). The deer are majestic and very dignified - what beautiful creatures.
The shot of the three deer is brilliant! Love the frosty picture too. xx
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