
* * * Canadian Craft Federation / Citizens of Craft.ca Podcast Series! : ) I'm in Episode #4... but you should listen to them all. : ) LISTEN

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

The Morning Light

This weekend as I was packing up for my trip to Weyburn, I came across some art I had forgotten about.  Doesn't that sound ridiculous?   I kind of didn't forget about it.  I just wasn't sure how I felt about it.  It's based on a sunrise from Christmas morning a couple years ago.  The sky was deliciously ON FIRE.  I love our fire skies, and so I made this.  The towers are all hand stitched.  I loved it, but I wasn't sure about it.  It's very, (how shall I say this?) very ORANGE.  lol  It's SO orange!  Yes, it is, isn't it!?

It's deeper orange than you are seeing on your screen, but every time I deepened it, the matting went grey, and it's not.  I's white.  So here it is, bright and fiery.

It's going to hang in Investors Group in downtown Weyburn for the whole summer.  Maybe, just maybe someone will connect with it.  I titled it The Morning Light and had it matted and framed in a warm dark brown wood.  You might have seen this partially done many times before, but I finally finished it up!  So, what do you think?  This next image is much closer to the true colour.

The Morning Light, 2013 (completed 2014, framed 2015) available art

Woo!  It's vibrant but very quiet at the same time.

See you later in the week!  I'll be posting on facebook most likely while I'm away : )


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

It is very orange but also very dramatic. It demands that you look at it and the detail of your stitching is wonderful.

Renate said...

Your stitchery ability just amazes me! Such detail, such perspective, such imagery! Yup1 I'm liking the orange.

Valerie Wilson said...


I love this one! I don't usually go for orange, but this is wonderful and dramatic. Great stitching!


Lin said...

Of course it's orange - it's sunrise! It's billiant! Love it. xx

izabelle said...

wow.......... simplement magnifique.......... vous êtes une artiste extraordinaire... d'une fan québécoise

bernadette86LRP said...

waouh!! magnifique!!

Ellie said...

Wow Monika I love it.
Orange is just such a lovely warm happy colour and it makes me smile! :))

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