
* * * Canadian Craft Federation / Citizens of Craft.ca Podcast Series! : ) I'm in Episode #4... but you should listen to them all. : ) LISTEN

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Sunday Snapshots

Between here and Melfort...

It was a beautiful drive.  There was less water in the fields than a month ago.  Things are looking greener.

when i see prairie, i see thread.

There's an unbelievable number of abandonded buildings on this drive.  I drove down this one grid road and I totally got the creeps!  There was a house I could see through the trees, and after I drove past the trees I looked back and the house was not there!  I drove past again to see it.  Then a little further again and it was gone. It was a total perspective and camoflauge illusion, but still...  alone on a grid road where there's lots of tree cover...  lol  I must admit I got a little nervous!

those trees just say 'KEEP OUT;

I tried to spook out that photo above so you can feel what I felt.  This wasn't the building I'm referring to, but it was on the same road.  Here is the same barn presented in a different light.  : )

Two photos taken from my van out on the road - look at the different moods you can create!  Isn't that great?

: )

And after bringing home all the work left of Ken's and mine, I enjoyed some lovely maple tea in the most beautiful teapot.  This was made by Ken Wilkinson and happily resides in my kitchen.  : )  THANK YOU KEN.


Terri said...

Looks like Ma Nature is taking over civilization. It is a bit creepy. Love your pictures. Glad you are getting green.

Radka said...

Lovely pictures :-)

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