
* * * Canadian Craft Federation / Citizens of Craft.ca Podcast Series! : ) I'm in Episode #4... but you should listen to them all. : ) LISTEN

Monday, 15 June 2015

Recap - Sew Much Fun!

It's Monday.  The kids are back at school.  It's quiet.  The dust has settled.  We worked all week preparing to be a vendor for the Saskatoon Modern Quilt Guild's first public showcase.  We worked all day yesterday at the booth we set up.  It was the first time I've been a quilt show vendor.  This venue was a small hall filled with several long aisles of quilts and a half dozen other vendors.  It was TOTALLY worth it.  There were over a couple hundred folks coming through in only 6 hours.  And of course - with modern themes, the whole room was so full of colour and whimsy.  It was great.

I had a bit of art (postcards & threadpaintings) for sale in the corner of the booth, and a larger wall with Postcards supplies and embellishments.  My girl sold her handcrafted earrings and my youngest boy sold repurposed leather work.  THEY did awesome too.  We have never done allowance with our children.  Chores are household responsibilities (I don't get paid for them, so why should they!?  haha).  They sure feel good with all the positive responses to their creations, and with their piggy banks filling after sales events like this.  I see through the week too, how they enjoy making up more stock in anticipation of the event.  Even though there were the occasional 'child labour' jokes, I'm proud of them.  They feel entirely industrious, so I think it's all good.

I took a lot of cell phone photos and put them on Instagram - which is why they have those funny oldschool filtering effects.  They aren't the best images, but they do hold great memories.

Thanks to everyone who stopped by the booth and signed up for classes!  That's great.  Thanks also for all the 'I LOVE YOUR BLOG' comments.  I have some guilt over that one since you know I only blog a couple times a week now.  (Insert guilty face.)  Still, it was so great to see so many familiar faces.  There was a lot of hugging and giggles. : )

Selfie - Me & Carly from Citric Sugar blog (linked*)

There were some VERY cool and ingenious quilts in the show.  Some were more traditional but the modern fabrics just kick it.  ; )  I was situated by the mini quilt wall which was full of gems.  I wish I had snapped more pictures.  Check out SaskatoonMQG on Instagram if you would like to see more.  They also have a Facebook page.

There were no competitions or viewer's choice ballots, though my kids went though and made their own choices.

His favourite:

Her favourite:

I'm so glad to have been a part of it!  Congratulations SMQG.  Thanks for letting us join you.  *Whoop whoop - I even sold a few of my Prairie Modern postcards.  Sweet.


Terri said...

Sounds like it was fun for the whole family. I don't think I could ever make a quilt like your son likes... but I do love the quilt your daughter likes. I guess I'm just an antique girl.

Lin said...

Quality is always better than quantity - please keep up with your quality blogs. Glad you had such a good day and lovely that family are involved too. xx

Jo Vandermey said...

I don't get on line as much as I used to... But I do look forward to your blog. I have been following you for awhile and think it is wonderful to see your journey as an artist. I have even picked up doing some hand embroidery on my art pieces again. I would love to take a class from you someday. Thanks for all the effort you put into your blog.
From one of the usually silent but appreciative readers.
Jo from Ontario

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