I'm pretty happy at how great they look on the walls. I was worried when they tried to describe the colour over the phone. : ) There are four more threadpaintings around the corner as well. A BIG THANK YOU to Investors Group for having my work up on your walls. I really appreciate it!
After more yarn bombing into the night and the next morning, I said farewell to Jaynie and hit the road. *Jaynie - if you are reading this, THANK YOU - I had such a wonderful time with you.*
From there I drove to Regina and stopped in at the Mackenzie!
I got free sparking under the shade of a big tree. MAN IS IT HOT LATELY!!
My first stop was the gift shop. They took in all my new Prairie Modern postcards to sell! That's exciting. They have three various sizes of Threadpaintings there in a group, with my postcards displayed below. (One large canola field piece, Two in the Bush with the chickadees, and soft late summer version of Home from the Lake are available there.) I also handed over 25 art print blank greeting cards of works I have sold. Those will go along with the display as well. AWESOME.
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@ the MacKenzie Art Gallery Shop in Regina |
Then I ventured upstairs...
It's been 2 years since I was there to see Dimensions 2013. This time I got to see Dimensions 2015.
Through some rooms and down a hall... there it was!
It's a long, long, long gallery space. Prairie City is about half way down. There are some amazing pieces this show! : ) I am surprised how different it feels from the last one. Oh and the catalogue is just gorgeous. I hope you get to see the show. It's travelling for 2 years, and I believe Whitehorse, Yukon is the next destination in the fall! : )
I'm so glad I stopped in at the MacKenzie Gallery. I got back to Saskatoon only to find an email waiting that another threadpainting sold at the Craft Council Boutique. WOW. Thank you thank you! I am taking tomorrow OFF - and then I'll get back on it. How wonderful!
See you soon,
This is wonderful Monika, your creative endeavours are continuing to make wonderful progress. Your work is amazing, no wonder it is so well received.
Congrats .... AGAIN ! !
Wow ... you are doing so well ! And you deserve it !
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