
* * * Canadian Craft Federation / Citizens of Craft.ca Podcast Series! : ) I'm in Episode #4... but you should listen to them all. : ) LISTEN

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Out With the Old, In With the New.

Happy 2013 !  

What a great number.  I think it will be a great year.  I am totally in the mood to CLEANSE and SORT.  I am compelled to use that back burner and focus on specific projects.

I looked at the calendar and I think my heart stopped when I realized that I have 15 weeks to create nearly 30 works of art.  I must be nuts.  First things first: do what I can amidst a busy couple of weeks with the family.  I spent several days reorganizing my art space, then my house, then my inbox, then my photos, and oh gosh... now I started to reorganize the blog.  !?!?!?  What a mess.  Bear with me as I get things feeling 'right'.  Sigh.  It's a bit like trying on bathing suits.  Not fun.  Eventually I will find the right fit.  Soon the kids will be back in school and my creative juices will likely pour everywhere.  : )  I can't wait!  In the mean time I am preparing by clearing my space... revving up those engines! 

Have a great week as the new year begins.  

Here's to starting fresh!


elle said...

I'm identifying!!!

kathy said...

with all those gorgeous, inspiring photos you have your problem is not how you'll get 30 pieces done in time, but what to start with! i for one can't wait to see.

Mary Ann Tate said...

That is a lot a work ahead but I think you can do it:)

CitricSugar said...

I've also gone all organize-y at the worst possible timeā€¦

Breathe and good luck! You will accomplish more because you are busy. I truly believe that. :-)

Jackie said...

Happy New Year!
I have decided to reorganize my studio... ugghhhh I may never resurface=)

Unknown said...

I totally understand, but at least you have started. All I have done, is think about it. :0)

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