
* * * Canadian Craft Federation / Citizens of Craft.ca Podcast Series! : ) I'm in Episode #4... but you should listen to them all. : ) LISTEN

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

The Winter Visit

Remember my friend Michelle?  She helped me hang my very first show two years ago.  Michelle is my Aussie-artist friend.  She is getting a long visit with a close friend of hers from down under.  They came out last weekend to The Mix.  Caz is her name.  She keeps asking to see my other work, wondering if I have any winter scenes.  Since she's been here, she's lucked out to mild weather, lots of snow, northern lights shows, and then Saturday morning we woke up to blue sky and hoar frost on everything!  I thought about how fortunate she's been to get all of our 'Canadian Winter Wonders' all in one visit.  I drove around that Saturday afternoon, and the frost still remained on the upper parts of the trees.  It was so magical.  That night, I began to work on a piece with her in mind.

fabric, thread, yarn, raffia

I finished it today, and found a frame at the last minute while I was out.  It is dark with a silver touch to it.  It's nice and deep to fit the mats, back board, glass, work, and all.  Gotta love that!  I had added some hand stitches, including two birds.  I called it The Winter Visit.  (...will show you the finished version later...)  It's all about those two women.  I can't wait for them to see it!  If she's not into it, that's fine.  I'll just put it the gallery on Sunday.

Other than that, I'm trying to make some posters for the next show.  Posters?  Postcards?  hmmm...

I'm so proud - my husband didn't even need to  help me with this. : )

I got everything but one piece back from Cindy Moleski's.  I picked them up when Donna (my framer) wasn't there.  OH WOW.  I seriously need to send her a big thank-you!  What a super job that I didn't have to sweat over.  This is like having a personal chef!  lol

Now, with all my art done for the year, I am going to sit and enjoy a new video that came in the mail.  I really should be sorting or dusting or washing something, but naaah!

double trouble and three skeins

I watched a bit of this disc set so far.  I love their work, and Margot is a big fan of Jan Beaney.  So far though, the video is pretty basic - like what needles, threads, fabrics and equipment are used.   It's all important stuff, but not new to me.  The one prior to this video seemed much more informative.  I plan to get bigger with my work some day and thought this would give me some ideas since it would involve much less machine work.  Bigger work = bigger stitches = bigger fibres.  Don't get me wrong - I'm not ever giving up threadpainting.  I love it too much.  There's just something about incorporating way more handstitching that really makes a piece so much more loveable (in my opinion).

Oh - and those lovely threads?  They are from Houston, a thank you gift from the woman who commissioned Beautiful Bergheim.  I finally signed, sealed, and delivered it this week to her.  Isn't that sweet?  They are GORGEOUS variegated colors!

Ok.  I'm linking up to The Needle and Thread Network for WIP Wednesday.  See you there!


Anonymous said...

I am so in awe of your work! That winter scene is awesome. I am sure that your friend will like it...are you planning to give it to her if she likes it? My goodness, who wouldn't; so exquisite. I would so love to live near you and be a student of yours! Thanks for inspiring me Monika!

Anonymous said...

I am so in awe of your work! That winter scene is awesome. I am sure that your friend will like it...are you planning to give it to her if she likes it? My goodness, who wouldn't; so exquisite. I would so love to live near you and be a student of yours! Thanks for inspiring me Monika!

HollyM said...

Of course they'll love that piece! It's beautiful! I find often a lot of books and DVDs have a lot of basic stuff in them when were really looking for more.
It'll be interesting to see the direction you move into.

Jennifer Scantlebury Vienneau said...

Your piece is beautiful! Almost makes me like winter....lol Good luck and enjoy your exhibit!

elle said...

If you'll pardon the pun, how cool is that!

Unknown said...

I love your winter work! so airy... very beautiful!!
happy thanksgiving day! :)
from Russia

PrairiePeasant said...

Seeing hoarfrost is one of the most magical things to experience in Canada! Thanks for sharing your winter scene--so beautiful.

Dahn said...

So much in one post! I love the winter scene--can't wait to see the finished one.

LOVE your poster. Love. It. And you should be proud to have done it yourself. Go artist girl, go!

And I like Jan and Jean's stuff way, way too much. I haven't seen this video yet, so off I go to look it up.

As to your slow move to hand stitching? I think it is a perfect-perfect match for your style. Your work has seriously matured in a year it is astonishing. And much of that success is your increasing use of hand stitching (IMO).

I love seeing what you will do next. You motivate me!

Threadpainter said...

Winter Visit is just lovely ! I am sure your friends will adore it !

I have enjoyed quite q few workshops with Jan & Jean and they are smart and very humorous in front of a crowd.

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