
* * * Canadian Craft Federation / Citizens of Craft.ca Podcast Series! : ) I'm in Episode #4... but you should listen to them all. : ) LISTEN

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Do-it-Yourself Dresdens

I taught a (very small) 3 hr workshop on Dresdens last night at The Studio on 9th.  I love Dresdens!  They are so versatile.  They go WAAAY back but have resurfaced in the past 5 years with the modern quilting movement.  In my class, we made our own custom templates by calculating the angles and lengths to make any size Dresden with the petal count of your choice.  I heart geometry.  Here are some of the results.

this will be stitched onto a table runner - 10" eight petal Dresdens

One woman had pretty floral reproduction fabrics.  One had bold solids.  What a range.

party colors

And yes... she did make a teeny tiny one!  The big ones are 8 petals and 8 inches across.  The little ones are a 12 petal and about 4" across.  She pieced it all on her machine too!!  Awesome.  We didn't even use a calculator.  Easy as pi.  (haha)  Pressing was the hard part I would suspect. 

WOW hey?  Love it.  Thanks Bernie and Bonnie.  Now I'm inspired to whip up some more myself.  I'll be running this class again in the spring (dates to be announced) and would be happy to do a private workshop if anyone wants to gather a group together before Christmas.  I have lots or free time now.  The class is cheap and the hostess gets it for free.  Gotta love that.

Have a great day!


Elsa said...

Such pretty Dresden's ~ can you come to Portland, Oregon (teehee) ~ I'd love to take a class with you!

liniecat said...

......or to the Uk???? lol
great results and one SO tiny!!

HollyM said...

How sweet! I remember the last one you did with embroidered details. I loved it! I never would have thought of figuring it out myself.

Jennifer Scantlebury Vienneau said...

I bow to anyone who admits they love geometry....and those are lovely dresden plates!

Kate said...

Those are the first dresdans I've seen in solid colours and ... WOW! I love dresdans.

sew.darn.quilt said...

Great dresdens, super cute mini. This is a pattern I've yet to conquer :)

Patti said...

hmm...there may be a dresden plate class in my future. These are wonderful!

Teresa @ http://twistfullyyours.blogspot.ca/ said...

Very sweet! I've never tried Dresdens...I may have to give this a try.
ps...found you on Blog-a-thon Canada

Janet said...

Sometimes it's nice to have a small class. Those mini solid Dresden's are really cute.

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