
* * * Canadian Craft Federation / Citizens of Craft.ca Podcast Series! : ) I'm in Episode #4... but you should listen to them all. : ) LISTEN

Monday, 9 April 2012

Details, details.

After stitching all the rosehips (see the last post), I went back and added the dried tips with fine rayon thread.  It's sooo pretty now!  I think hand stitching really makes a piece better.  The little details can't be done by machine now they don't look like any old berry.

They photo colors are odd.  It's hard to photograph white.  I'll post better photos once I'm done all the stitching and the piece gets cleaned up.  This is taking longer than I expected, but the added stitches are so worth it.

Rosehips in November.

Linking to WIP Wednesday at The Needle & Thread Network.  : )


Patti said...

You know, every time I see a new piece you have finished, I think you can't possibly top it...and then you do! Amazing. I love this one. So quintessentially prairie. ps no crocuses yet ;)

Vicki W said...

Oh wow, that's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

simply beautiful! and patti has got it right on - each on more amazing than the last...

elle said...

oh, my! I luv the whites, creams, browns, but the pops of rose hips! YES!

Becky said...

As you know, those details are very important. Looks fantastic! I wish I had your patience with hand stitching :-).

Kiwi said...

I love this one - so beautiful. What is its fate?

Mary Ann Tate said...

A beautiful piece of work...absolutely wonderful:)

Katie said...

You really do beautiful work, Monika. I am so looking forward to seeing this when it's done!

rtquilter said...

Gorgeous, Monika! How big is this piece?

Susan J Barker said...

Love the way your photos show the close up stitching... almost like I hold the piece in my hand and inspect my own stitches!

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Striking Monika....like being right there...

Regina said...

Beautiful - the picture made me think of my rose hips under the snow before I read the caption.

Kit Lang said...

So pretty, Monkia. I feel like I say the same thing every time I come by, but it's true. Everything you make is "so pretty". :)

M-R Charbonneau said...

It's looking so pretty, Monika!

Nita said...

That is just beautiful!

Cheryl Coville said...

The hand stitches really do make such a difference. Beautiful!

Kitchener Quilter said...

Monika, a tip, if you can use it. I have found that whites are hard to photograph, too. Flowers, snow, whatever. I find if I shoot on a cloudy day, outside, with my camera set to sports mode, I get the best colour. Otherwise, indoors in a sunny room, has lots of light, but with your subject not in the sunlight, also works. I think it is the natural light that makes it work, as indoor lights change the colour too much. Hope this helps you out.

greelyrita said...

I must have read this post back when you posted it, but I'm here via a "you might also like" click. I don't remember this but I sure love it now! The white stitching on the white fabric is SO effective. Just lovely!!

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