
* * * Canadian Craft Federation / Citizens of Craft.ca Podcast Series! : ) I'm in Episode #4... but you should listen to them all. : ) LISTEN

Friday, 21 October 2011

I Am My Own SuperHero.

Ever since I was a little girl, there were a few people that I considered 'superheroes'.  These include circus performers, The Bionic Woman, Pippi Longstocking, and pretty much any woman who can sew clothing.  All my life, I've placed these people on a pedestal.  Lately I've crossed a few things off my bucket list.

I can ride a unicycle like a circus performer.  

I can run without getting winded like the Bionic Woman.  

I sleep completely backwards in my bed and wash my floors with sponges tied to my feet a la Pippi Longstocking.  

Now I can say that I have also successfully sewn a garment too!!  No kidding!  I've looked at patterns many times in my life, and just really get lost and confused in them.  I've always been better at doing my own creativity thing.  I've been deeply enjoying fibre art.  I've looked at wearable art before, but never really connected with it.  It was always a little too out there for me.  I don't resonate with abstract and shock value.  I like pretty and I like familiar.  All that changed when I saw the December 2010 cover of Belle Armoire (art to wear magazine).  I squealed with excitement when I saw this.

Shortly after this, our guild announced the 'Making Waves' biennial quilt show.  I looked through the list of categories and when I saw 'wearables', I signed up.  I thought:  



OMG can you imagine!?  The image of what I wanted just instantly came to mind and I was entirely smitten with my idea.  A Prairie Dress was waiting to be created.  I dreamt it up.  I sketched it.  I looked at dress patterns that somewhat fit my idea.  I made my fabric.  I completely altered and re-edited a pattern template to my own specs & style.  I built that dress.  I did it!!  I Am My Own SuperHero!

A Prairie Dress

the front

after a little more embellishing (pencil crayon!)

I added the white the night before the show, and I'm glad I did.  It's perfect!  I really made my imagination come to reality.  I'm so impressed.  (Is it okay to say that?)  See all the sparkle!?

the back

This dress features loops, ties, hooks & eyes, my first ever zipper, boning, princess seams, a train, pleats, darts, piecing, applique, machine quilting, decorative stitches, free motion stitching, hand embroidery, beading, machine couching, hand couching... can you believe it!

The details.  I will post a bit more about the process in a future post.

This outfit even includes folded fabric if you counted the shoes (yes: SHOES!) that I upcycled to go with the dress.

Knock Your Socks Off!

I`m sure this is pretty out there for many of you.  I am so very pleased with it.  It was a real labor of love.  It's my Art-to-Wear... and I will wear it!!

: )


Karen said...


Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm blown away. Everything about it is YOU, YOU, YOU! Love the shoes too. You did it Superhero!!!!! I need sunglasses to shade from the beam of pride you cast even over the internet. Bravo my friend, Bravo!
Stay inspired!
Brain Angles - Invisible Ink

Anonymous said...

p.s. please take another full length shot with your clouds embellished :)

Stay inspired!

Linda Coleman said...

Monika, you have truly outdone yourself this time. If this is your first attempt at such a wonderful creation imagine what you will be creating in a few years time. The amount of work and time that you have put into this is staggering but the result is stupendous. Best of luck

Sequana said...

That is soooooooooo beautiful!

I love the back! And the shoes! Well, I love everything about it......

What a triumph for you - truly.

Do I understand that you have never constructed a garment before? Is that possible?

Just amazing.....amazing.

Lynette said...

Monika!! HOLY SMOKES, LADY!!!! This is astonishingly cool and creative. I am amazed by everything about this dress.

Kit Lang said...

Amazingly creative!

Sheila said...

You really nailed it Monika and I love it , wow and super wow ,congratulations on your first dress you should be so proud . I hope you win that catagory , if I was there I would vote for you . Simply stunning!

elle said...

Speechless! Just speechless. Simplicity at its best!

Flo @ Butterfly Quilting said...

Congratulations!! You did it!! And it is amazing!! I think the above comments say it all :)

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Dear Flo - here she is and she is boasting on her blog for you - and so glad she is. This is a superwoman's costume for sure. Oh just a delight with all the thought, process, techniques, and love - yes your spirit is in the dress. Good luck at the show.

Vicki W said...

Well done! Your dress turned out fabulous. Did you dye that skirt fabric? It's really lovely.

Becky said...

WOW! That turned out gorgeous!! I still can't believe that it's your first garment! if you can sew that, you can sew anything!! I LOVE it! Congrats!!

monika@mysweetprairie.ca said...

Thank you! lol Karen Thank you x 100. : ) I did make an apron before and it was really really hard! : ) I am so proud of it. I was watching small crowds grow around it at the trade centre last night - it was quite thrilling to see the looks on people's faces! ; )


Anonymous said...

hey monika! i've sewn garments and wearable art for years - and i am TOTALLY BLOWN AWAY! but what i really want to know is: how do you hold all those ideas and talent in one little body? without exploding, i mean! way to go! i am so looking forward to seeing the dress at the show!

Wendy said...

Fabulous job Monika! You did great :)

Ellie said...

Monika, that is one awesome dress, absolutely lovely. Well done you - not wonder you are pleased with it. You are so clever.

Deb said...

All I can say is....WOW, the dress is awesome!! I love your creativity!

Karen said...

you are entitled to be very proud!!! It's amazing!

Poppyprint said...

Oh Monika, that is a triumph!!! I'm so impressed and I love how excited you are about this. It's incredibly hard to believe this is the first time you've sewn clothing - hello, boning???? I cannot wait to see a photo of you wearing this masterpiece. I'm sure it will receive all of the accolades it deserves in the show. Congratulations - your Prairie dress deserves to be on the cover of a magazine!!!

Jeane said...

Breathtaking! I hope you win a prize.

Christie describeHappy said...

Holy. COW. Batman! It's Stunning Monkia!! you totally outdid yourself. Just perfect!! The colors, that details, the way it all looks together. The shoes. Can't wait to hear more about it. Have a fabulous show!!!

Kleep said...

That is soo so beautiful. And you captured the heart of the prairies perfectly. I would wear it.

Congratulations on all of your hard work and planning!

Cheryl (Grandma Coco) said...

Fantastic! You really pulled it off....but I never doubted you would. Congratulations!

MarveLes Art Studios said...

Congrats; it's incredible! Wow... Beautiful! Spectacular! PERFECT! I LOVE IT!

lej619 said...

GREAT JOB!!!!!! Would love to see a picture of you in it! Please!!

Bernie said...

HOLY COW!! You are - put simply - the cream of the crop!! You so nailed that. I love it! I can't wait to see it in person tomorrow and to see you model it! WOW! WOW! WOW!

PrairiePeasant said...

Simply beautiful (well, maybe it wasn't so simple!). I loved all your sneak peaks but you totally blew me away with the finish. I had no idea what the finished item would be. I find it hard to believe this is your first garment--hopefully it will be the first of many!

CitricSugar said...

That is ART. Gorgeous. I love how you've captured such an iconic image of "home."


Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Everything about it is stunning. Maybe you should try dress designing. This is gorgeous! You'll have to post a photo of you wearing it sometime. Love all the details, nothing I would change - it's magnificent.

felicity said...

I am absolutely blown away, Monika. You are an amazing artist.

fyrefairee said...

Just gorgeous!

Nicki said...

You should be excited! It is spectacular. Enjoy that glow... and look out Project Runway, Monika might be headed your way!!!


2 Good Claymates said...

Wow! I think your dress is just stunning and the shoes to match are fantastic. A real piece of art!

Karey said...

Wow, that dress is gorgeous! Keep up the good work!

Ashlyn said...

This is seriously the prettiest dress I've ever seen!! I am so impressed and blown away!! AMAZING!!

Kathy MacKie said...

You rock!

Anonymous said...

oh. my. word. It's jaw dropping. I'm so impressed. ..and jealous. :)

Thanks for linking up to Finished It Fridays!

Judy said...

You are my superhero too. Very creative! :)

Miriam said...

Simply beautiful and amazing Monika! You are such an inspiration to my daughters and I to create beauty in our worlds with the gifts we've been given. ...and by recycling ;) Rock on wonderful woman!

gingerkitty said...

Stunning dress. I can no believe this was your first garment.

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